Does your bank care like you do?

Wouldn't it be exciting to know that the money you invest in your bank is money invested in a better world?

We're creating a banking system with justice, from the grassroots up, and we need your help to do it. Learn more about our founders and our mission. Sign up for updates. And, if this is what you've been waiting for, take the pledge to be part of our next steps.

We have the power to build it ourselves

Slideshow: see our vision for a banking system with justice

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Who we are

We are people of faith and justice from across the country coming together to take our money out of a colonial and destructive banking system. Together, we will invest instead in a new system that will enable us to build the things our people truly need: housing, health, community, and justice.

What we'll do

We are creating a new credit union movement by starting a new credit union, one that is big enough for all of us yet controlled democratically at the local organizational level, with the benefits staying in our communities instead of being extracted for faraway shareholders.

Why it matters

It's democratic control of organized economic power to fund our social justice organizing missions and build a better world, community by community.
But we can't do it alone. Will you join us?

Pledge now to join our future market study

Our next step is to find and sign up 12,000 like-minded people who will pledge to be part of our future market study, helping us understand whether a new national credit union is a viable business plan. Will you join us?

Join Now