Democratic control of organized economic power to fund our movement

A “credit union for the movement” could be generating $50M/year in patient, stable, long-term funding for movement organizing work – in its first 5 years.

Average annual revenue generated by…
Interest on a $300,000 30-yr mortgage
Credit card purchases at $2,000/month
$     240/yr
Carrying a $2,000 credit card balance
$     220/yr
Credit card and banking fees
$     188/yr
Interest on a 5-year car loan
$     600/yr
Re-lending on $14,000 in deposits
$     490/yr
If we want to build power for a justice-based movement, then where our people bank matters.

Credit unions remain central to an alternative economic vision that positions healthy and secure families at the center of our society. Center for Common Ground, We Own It, and key partners are launching a new national credit union for the progressive movement that is projected to generate $50M/year in patient,stable, long-term funding for social, economic, and racial justice organizing and community stabilization in its first 5 years. We’ve already established initial feasibility and a strong network to sponsor our organizing initiative. Early financial support would enable us to incorporate our partners’ organizing capacity and significantly shorten our timeframe, with a high return on investment.
A credit union is an enterprise that is owned and democratically controlled by the people who bank there. In the short term, launching our Banking with Justice credit union will build power for organized people and congregations advancing campaigns for justice. In the long term, it will pioneer a new model for systems change. Our new, national credit union will build wealth in low-income communities and remove barriers to economic security by creating a vehicle for people of justice to take democratic control of our finances – our savings, debts, and financial transactions, totaling trillions of dollars in assets and hundreds of billions in revenue nationwide – and leverage them for shared economic prosperity rather than private gain. If we are serious about building a movement for justice, equity, and health, then where our people bank matters...

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Pledge now to join our future market study

Our next step is to find and sign up 12,000 like-minded people who will pledge to be part of our future market study, helping us understand whether a new national credit union is a viable business plan. Will you join us?

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